Running Sushi in Market is the new project of Bellaciao Groupwhich will be located in the La Vaguada Shopping Centre. Running Sushi in Market proposes a trip to the emblematic Tsukiji Market, Tokyo. This is the point of sale of fish and seafood world's most important, where every day almost all of the world's most important 3,000 tonnes of 450 different species.
The location where Running Sushi in Market will be located is 600 square metres. Crossing its gates means moving to the entrance of the market itself, with its narrow streets lined with lanterns and colourful bannersand where various shops are located. In the ground floor of the premises are two different zones presided over by the tubes that run through the 50 tables. they serve. From their kitchens, which are set up as if they were stalls, they supply the two belt heightsand so on, up to more than 70 fixed elaborations offered in each service and which are complemented by other services. recipes adapted to the season.
The upper floor of Running Sushi in Market gives us a total change of atmosphere until we are introduced into the interior of a traditional Japanese house, which houses three reserved areas with windows overlooking the streets of Tokyo, where a closed sushi menu is served to customers. A space with wooden walls and floors, shoji type sliding doors, noren curtains and even a kitchen with Japanese-style worktop more classical in one of the rooms.
Paloma Fang, company leaderWe want our customers to feel that each restaurant in the Bellaciao Group offers something that goes beyond gastronomy. We want them to travel with us to a specific city and time through its most authentic atmosphere and the dishes that characterise it. We want them to have a good time, we want there to be variety for all tastes and we want all of this to happen at an affordable price".